Imagine your project
coming to life

ANTS’ clients strive for excellence in their daily lives, as leading enterprises in their fields. They act on key societal questions: what can we do to reduce our use of limited natural resources, how can we stop using fossil fuels, how do we develop multicultural societies, what can we do about the rapid decrease of wilderness, amongst others.

The way we answer these questions defines who we are. In addition to our clients’ wishes, ANTS looks for opportunities to give back to nature. Our nature-included-projects provide space for biodiversity both in terms of fauna and flora. Mother nature shows its resilience by thriving and adding to our architectural beauty and your identity.

The assembly of a head quarter building

Viabuild! NV

Clients needs

Viabuild! NV is a contractor for Belgian and international infrastructure. Their project was about centralising the company’s assets and employees, and rethinking the entire organisational structure, approach and image.

Ants is proud to have supported Viabuild! NV with their transformation: one building for one company, consisting of offices, workshops, warehousing and logistical areas.

Project challenges

Centralising Viabuild’s assets proved to be interesting simply due to its size. Stacking the building program provided enough space for the infrastructural needs of their core business. This design strategy created technical challenges in terms of fire safety, load-bearing components and functional organisation. The project site, located next to the A12, provided heavy constraints for the permit applications. A Spartanic building structure and envelope suggest a company which is ready for duty. A team effort working closely together with Viabuild!’s facility manager and procurement team, made sure that the project was delivered in time and within budget.





Gross floor area

+- 5.500,- m²
on a +- 24.000,- m² site

Construction cost

+- € 5.500.000,- excl. VAT

A boundless building for inspiring people

Motix NV

Clients needs

MOTIX NV creates industrial solutions based on an aluminium Meccano-system, called ITEM. They are client focussed: solutions are designed, engineered and constructed by their multidisciplinary team. Therefore, MOTIX’s new headquarter building is not about the aluminium but about the people creating the solutions.
Ants is very proud to have gained the trust of Maarten Billiet, CEO of MOTIX, to design and engineer their new building. The focus on client’s expectations and innovative solutions created a connection between our companies which led to an impeccable result: a boundless building for inspiring people.

Project challenges

How does one create a building which is fit for purpose for creating aluminium structures and inspiring people? The answer to this question proved to be the main project challenge.





Gross floor area

+- 3.000,- m²
on a +- 9.000,- m² site

Construction cost

+- € 3.500.000,- excl. VAT

Sustainable rental office refurbishment

Druon Invest NV

Clients needs

Druon Invest NV is a leading developer of office real estate. They develop their offices to be fit for purpose and future proof.
The managing director, Erik Bogaerts, decided to move forward with the refurbishment of the existing building in the middle of the COVID pandemic.
Ants is proud to have realised Erik’s long-term vision and witnessed his entrepreneurship and perseverance. The result is a turn-key multi-tenant office building which uses the existing concrete structure and therefore saving a rough estimate of 4500 tons of CO2.

Project challenges

The project started with multiple feasibility studies, spatial as well as financial, to support the client in his decision how to proceed with the development.
The project was time-driven: after a long-term single rental contract ended, the building had to be transformed in the shortest period of time possible. Therefore, the permit application and technical design were performed in parallel to make sure the contractors were scheduled to start as soon as the building was vacant. The concrete structure had to be adapted to the ducting of the ventilation and a new façade had to be installed to make sure a low-energy heating and cooling system could be installed.
The refurbishment transformed a building which had only some radiators, no cooling and no ventilation into a future-proof sustainable office building in 12 months time, including the design process.





Gross floor area

+- 4.500,- m²
on a +- 1500,- m² site

Construction cost

+- € 4.000.000,- excl. VAT

Mastering Residential Excellence

Druon Invest NV

Clients needs
Project challenges




Gross floor area

+- 1.900,- m²

Construction cost

+- € 6.000.000,-

Master planning and logistical real estate

Besix NV

Clients needs

Lorem Ipsum is slechts een proeftekst uit het drukkerij- en zetterijwezen. Lorem Ipsum is de standaard proeftekst in deze bedrijfstak sinds de 16e eeuw, toen een onbekende drukker een zethaak met letters nam en ze door elkaar husselde om een font-catalogus te maken. Het heeft niet alleen vijf eeuwen overleefd maar is ook, vrijwel onveranderd, overgenomen in elektronische letterzetting. Het is in de jaren '60 populair geworden met de introductie van Letraset vellen met Lorem Ipsum passages en meer recentelijk door desktop publishing software zoals Aldus PageMaker die versies van Lorem Ipsum bevatten.

Project challenges

Lorem Ipsum is slechts een proeftekst uit het drukkerij- en zetterijwezen. Lorem Ipsum is de standaard proeftekst in deze bedrijfstak sinds de 16e eeuw, toen een onbekende drukker een zethaak met letters nam en ze door elkaar husselde om een font-catalogus te maken. Het heeft niet alleen vijf eeuwen overleefd maar is ook, vrijwel onveranderd, overgenomen in elektronische letterzetting. Het is in de jaren '60 populair geworden met de introductie van Letraset vellen met Lorem Ipsum passages en meer recentelijk door desktop publishing software zoals Aldus PageMaker die versies van Lorem Ipsum bevatten.





Gross floor area

+- € 3.500.000,- excl. VAT

Construction cost

+- 1.500,- m²
on a +- 15.000,- m² site

Full electrical new build and office renovation

Besix NV

Clients needs

Lorem Ipsum is slechts een proeftekst uit het drukkerij- en zetterijwezen. Lorem Ipsum is de standaard proeftekst in deze bedrijfstak sinds de 16e eeuw, toen een onbekende drukker een zethaak met letters nam en ze door elkaar husselde om een font-catalogus te maken. Het heeft niet alleen vijf eeuwen overleefd maar is ook, vrijwel onveranderd, overgenomen in elektronische letterzetting. Het is in de jaren '60 populair geworden met de introductie van Letraset vellen met Lorem Ipsum passages en meer recentelijk door desktop publishing software zoals Aldus PageMaker die versies van Lorem Ipsum bevatten.

Project challenges

Lorem Ipsum is slechts een proeftekst uit het drukkerij- en zetterijwezen. Lorem Ipsum is de standaard proeftekst in deze bedrijfstak sinds de 16e eeuw, toen een onbekende drukker een zethaak met letters nam en ze door elkaar husselde om een font-catalogus te maken. Het heeft niet alleen vijf eeuwen overleefd maar is ook, vrijwel onveranderd, overgenomen in elektronische letterzetting. Het is in de jaren '60 populair geworden met de introductie van Letraset vellen met Lorem Ipsum passages en meer recentelijk door desktop publishing software zoals Aldus PageMaker die versies van Lorem Ipsum bevatten.





Gross floor area

+- 6.500,- m²
on a +- 15.000,- m² site

Construction cost

+- € 10.000.000,-